Contour map
Contour map

fixing issue with kml file (google earth import) fixing issue with svg file (not opening) Visit my other projects at and Living in Natural Harmony. Created by Christoph Hofstetter (christophhofstetter (at) ) September 2013 v0.311 Resources: This script uses the Google Elevation API, Google Maps, jQuery and the CONREC contouring algorithm by Paul Bourke and Jason Davies. No warranty whatsoever is given, including but not limited to functioning or correctness.

contour map

This script was developed with the Firefox browser and may not work in other browsers.


Use the manual saving text areas below alternatively. You can save some data in cookies, however there is a limit. You can also change the number of contours or set custom contour values. However, if you go beyond 2500 total samples per day, querying data may stop working according to the Google Elevation API description. Optionally you can change the number of elevation samples you want in each direction, the more the better.

Contour map