Unpacking blue box
Unpacking blue box

The bags were great for moving clothes, linens and even shoes. They are like a glorified IKEA bag, with zippers and a pocket for labeling. These blue moving bags were an absolute DREAM, I cannot recommend them enough. My theory was to purge and organize as much as possible so that when it was time to move, everything could move “as is.” We were able to move non-urgent / needed items over slowly, one car load at a time. Each day/week, we attacked one corner/drawer/closet at a time. The new owners of our previous home didn’t need to be in until late September so we had what I liked to call “the luxury of time.” I realize not everyone has this and looking back, I’m so very grateful that we did. We closed in July but wanted to have the interior painted and floors redone (highly recommend R&R Hardwood) before we moved in so we decided not to move in right away. We were lucky to find what we were looking for and while we've had to make some minor improvements to the house (more on that later), it’s really starting to feel like home. Lastly, we LOVED our previous backyard so we knew we needed a yard / outdoor space that could envy that. As someone who is in front of the camera almost daily, natural light was becoming a huge issue (especially in the darker and colder months) so we needed to find somewhere that had a lot of that.

unpacking blue box

Quarantine really highlighted the importance of our space and now that we both work from home, we were running out of it. We knew we wanted to stay in Buffalo, NY (where we’re both from and where our families are). I’ve shared this briefly on IG but we were looking to move into a new space for awhile. I do firmly believe that what’s meant for you, will not pass you and it will all be worth it in the end. It was not for the faint of heart and truly such an emotional roller coaster of a journey. To anyone beginning or currently deep in the home buying process, my thoughts are with you. After about a year and a half of searching, we finally found our home. If you or someone you know is in the process, maybe some of our learnings can benefit. We’re about as close to moving novices as you could get, but we’ve learned a lot. We’ve been living in our new home for just under a month now and while I feel far from settled, I’m excited to share more about our moving process now that we’re on the other side of things.

Unpacking blue box